Monday, March 21, 2005

Amazon Raising Prices of Items in My Cart

Whenever I hear of an interesting book that I think I might like to read, I immediately go to Amazon and add the book to my cart. That way, it's saved for the future and I can also come back to review all my prospective purchases and determine which ones are priorities. Recently, I noticed that the items are frequently increasing in price (I have yet to see one decrease) while in my cart. For instance, the book "The Age of Federalism" has increased from $18.15 to $19.77 (or 9%) since I put it in my cart, which I believe was less than two weeks ago.

Given that this is the 5th or 6th time it's happened recently, and that I never noticed similar frequent price increases before, I'm curious as to how Amazon's pricing strategy is changing. They're already being undercut by a fair margin on a number of products by competitors like Overstock. Anyway, it's a huge deterrent to purchase to return 1-2 weeks later and find that a number of the items I am interested in have become more expensive.

Same here. I stopped buying from Amazon as much because it seemed like prices were much higher. Now I get the "important messages" screen saying prices have changed for items in my cart.

Here are the changes in my cart:
$8.25 raised to $11.00 (+33%)
$16.49 raised to $24.99 (+52%)
$16.95 lowered to $11.53 (-32%)
$16.32 raised to $24.00 (+47%)
$18.95 raised to $22.95 (+21%)
$10.50 raised to $12.92 (+23%)

This is a weighted increase of +23%, a very dramatic increase.

I for one won't be buying much from Amazon at these prices. There's no longer a large enough price difference compared to my brick-and-mortar Barnes and Noble.
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